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Instagram Stories

Complete Guide For Downloading Instagram Stories Videos

These days Instagram is a crucial component of our social media life and posts, particularly stories, are considered to be amongst the most popular features. Users can upload videos and pictures along with text and comment on other people’s stories, but the post disappears after 24 hours. However, there may be times where you would need to download instagram stories in order to save a particular memory, use the content or simply want to watch it offline. This article includes detailed instructions on how you can easily and quickly download Instagram stories and save them to your device.

Possible Uses Of Downloading Instagram Stories Videos 

So before we head over to the guide, let us first analyze why being able to download stories could be helpful for you in the following ways:

1. Saving: A lot of people wish to save their personal memories but they will eventually disappear without having them documented.
2. No Internet: Having videos and making it possible to watch them anywhere without the need to be connected to the internet.
3. Keep For Later: Use it with other social media posts in a campaign later by keeping it safe.
4. Knowledge: Save quotes, ideas, or tutorials that reignite inspiration for future work. 

How To Download Instagram Stories Videos

Now, let us move forward and address the issue of how to download Instagram stories, whether they are of your own or someone else’s.

How to Download Your Own Instagram Stories

The Instagram app has features that allow a user to download their own stories in a simple manner. Here’s how: 

Method 1: Direct Download

1. Upload a story on your profile.
2. From the home page, select the story and tap on it to view.  
3. On the bottom right corner, click the three dot menu or swipe up. 
Choose ‘Save’ or ‘Save video’ and your device will download the Instagram story. 
For photo stories, images will download in their original form. Videos on the other hand will download the whole story. 

Method 2: Automatic story archiving:  

1. Access settings for your app in the Instagram app. 
2. Go to Privacy > Story and enable the toggle switch for ‘Save story to archive. 
All stories that are posted on the user will be archived and saved even after being removed from the profile. 

How To Download Someone Else’s Instagram Stories 

Now, here is where the problem crops up. Instagram lacks a simple way or feature that allows users to download other peoples’ stories. In such cases, there are third party apps available such as Here is how you can use it: 

1. Open MyStorySaver on your web browser. 
2. Type and search for the Instagram username of the person whose story you want to download stories from. 
3. Tap on the ‘download’ button in order to view the active stories that they have uploaded.
4. Choose a particular story and tap on the download button.

This process is simple. It is applicable to both public accounts and to private accounts that you are following. But, as a friendly reminder, please ask for permission before saving someone else’s material.

Screenshot or Screen Record the Story You Want to Save

Instagram Stories

If you want to have a very fast and efficient way without needing additional programs, you can use screenshot or screen recording methods:


1. Find the story that you want to save and open it.
2. Use your device’s shortcut to take a screenshot.
3. Edit the picture by cropping out all interface elements that you do not want, such as user icons or usernames.

Screen Recording

1. Look for your device’s enabled screen recording function.
– For iPhones: Swipe down to open the Control Center and click the recording button.
– For Android: Tap the top of the screen to open Quick Settings, then choose screen recording.
2. When the story is playing, start the recording to capture it.
3. After the recording is done, stop it and save the video in your gallery.

4. Save Stories From Highlights

If a story has been added to someone’s highlights, you can retrieve and save it even after 24 hours. Here’s how you self-highlight. 

1. Click on the Highlight from your profile. 
2. In the lower right-hand corner, tap on the three-dot menu. Otherwise, click on the menu (•••).
3. Click on “Save Highlight” or “Save Video.”This technique is best for creating timeless compilations of stories. 

Advice for Ethically Downloading Instagram Stories 

Although it can be tempting to download stories, it is important to follow these guidelines: 

– Do not forget to seek permission before saving or sharing somebody’s story. 
– Always refrain from using downloaded stories for marketing purposes without prior approval. 
– Do obey copyright and privacy regulations. 

Final Thoughts

Downloading Instagram Stories is a really simple and quite effective method to keep certain memories for later, make content available offline, or brainstorm ideas. It does not matter if you use Instagram’s own features, third-party applications like MyStorySaver, or hand-methods like screen recording, saving stories for personal use is super simple. 

Let it be known, privacy must be respected and permission ought to be obtained when downloading another person’s content. With these steps, you can make sure that your favorite stories are always uploaded and available for viewing any time.