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The Data Scientist

Legacy architecture

How Microservices Can Evolve Legacy Architectures

Before the dawn of object-oriented programming, software projects were unwieldy beasts that often ended in failure. Code was nearly impossible to reuse, making it difficult to adapt. Java and C++ became more popular as they were much easier to delegate, manage, and update, directly leading to a bevy of majorly successful software products.

Now we are encountering this problem of complexity and code reuse again, on a much grander scale. Monolithic, or legacy architectures, are simply too cumbersome to manage in an age of ubiquitous cloud technology. Separating services across an array of independent APIs vastly improves your ability to monitor, manage, and improve your existing application.

Microservices also allow teams to work with different technology stacks and use different languages, allowing for experts to work only on what they know best. Over the long term, this makes collaboration a much simpler task.

What is monolithic architecture?

Monolithic architecture exists in simple terms as a stack of legacy technology typically encapsulated in one bloated application. Legacy technology continuation in this day and age is a form of sabotage. Unfortunately, we see monolithic systems in almost every industry as most defend their use of legacy tech on a cost-basis rationale. However, this perpetual use of

outdated systems with poor security and overweight apps is leading to a breakdown in tech infrastructure across the board.

Many companies are still woefully unprepared for the modern era of digital business and the

systems required to enable it safely. What’s more, monolithic architecture prevents companies from serving their customers properly as well.

Typically, this type of architecture runs poorly for the consumer as well as the employee which then requires extra steps to complete simple tasks. When the solution becomes the problem then it’s time to look within. Ultimately, this boiled down to time. Monolithic architecture commits the cardinal sin of wasting time at scale and preventing that is our only saintly duty.

How microservices can help

Microservices exist to solve the problems of monolithic architecture by maximizing optionality while simultaneously reducing risk. Microservices allow companies to cease their dependence on bloated apps that waste everyone’s valuable time. Businesses can pick and choose which features they need or not on a minute scale that provides maximum customization without large-scale confusion.

Running each application separately provides the benefit of multiple databases for security and backup purposes without losing communication between them. Most importantly, Microservices allow you to phase out monolithic architecture and enter into a more streamlined world with faster response times and greater stability.

Migrating to microservices

Migrating to Microservices is incredibly important and fortunately fairly simple. The first step is to stop building on monolithic architecture immediately. Start this by splitting databases up between the services you have and need in the future. As each Microservice typically has its own database, splitting databases will make it easy to migrate data and configure intranet systems.

Then it is imperative that you analyze your current code base extensively to find any APIs that you will maintain going into the future and which areas need new APIs.

Building these services in tandem with existing APIs will prevent confusion and make development much simpler. After all this, it is important to test the split version of your systems and, if they work, then phase out the existing monolithic architecture. Testing and iterating are key to proving the system but the newfound speed and stability will be hard to resist for you and your team.

Why you must move to microservices

Ultimately, this all comes down to choice and time. As a cloud-native solution, microservices will give your business the advantage of technology as staying updated and operational becomes much simpler in a distributed environment.

They allow your company to constantly iterate and improve without sacrificing the ability to scale or operate. Utilizing microservices provides you and your team with a better way to communicate and delegate without the headache of outdated tech and slow service.


Microservices are a cloud-native solution. Monolithic architectures are simply too bloated to survive and thrive in this day and age. Continuously improving your applications is an absolute must in this competitive software environment.
Applications of all kinds need the ability to rapidly update and scale. Moreover, leveraging the microservices paradigm makes it easier for teams to collaborate and simpler for managers to delegate. By working with the best freelance microservices developers, your organization can achieve faster, more effective modernization and confirm that your digital infrastructure is built to last.