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The Data Scientist


How to Avoid Data Breaches When Working with Multilingual Content

Globalization opens doors to new opportunities for businesses. Reaching out to a wider global audience and entering a new market may sound appealing, but it comes with risks and consequences. China is a country we all know as having the second-largest economy in the world, but there are things that we don’t know. Or we do not want to know.


To globalize or reach out to new consumers, our first consideration is localizing our content for a multilingual audience. There are a lot of benefits as it expands your reach, prominence, clear brand image, large consumer base, etc. Have you ever considered the risks and consequences associated with it?

Yes, there are risks of data breaches and cyberattacks. Have you heard the news recently about the cyberattack on the Chinese agency? It’s spreading like wildfire. The agency uploaded around 190 megabytes of data containing important digital information about different countries, including India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom, on the software and code-sharing platform GitHub.

This raises a question about the Chinese cybersecurity system as well as tempts you to think, is your data or information safe? Can you trust any Mandarin language translations company with your next project? Quitting is never an option. The best solution is to take precautions and trust your data with certified organizations.

This article will discuss how you can avoid data breaches while working with multilingual content. So, read with focus. Let’s begin.

Data Security Measures

Translation services require access and controls on your content. This is the basic requirement because, without accessing the data, they won’t be able to localize it. However, can you just send the confidential information without taking care of what will happen to it once the project is completed? And in a worst-case scenario, your data might get hijacked before even reaching the translators. Yes, it is possible.

So, you need to secure storage and access controls. Implement robust data encryption for all multilingual content. Encryption is the process of converting your text into codes that can only be decoded by the user with the right key. Moreover, enforce strong access controls with limited user permissions and multi-factor authentication.

If you’re outsourcing your project, choose a translation services company with proven security practices. Have a thorough look at their data security policies, access controls, and encryption methods. Regular security audits are another way to identify and address vulnerabilities.

Managing Multilingual Data

Managing multilingual data is a tough task. Localizing the content in different languages requires multiple translators. This means your data will be segregated, which makes handling difficult. This is the vulnerability point of the whole process. Now, look at the solution: data minimization.

You can minimize the amount of sensitive information in the content. Separate sensitive information from general content, and use distinct platforms and databases for different languages. Moreover, anonymize your data if possible. Remove the personally identifiable information before sending the data file for translation.

Translation Workflow Security 

Translation is a thorough and complex process based on the involvement of the sender, translation company, translator, proofreader, and editor. Though a lot of people are getting their hands on your files, it has become difficult to track the passage of data leaks. Well, we can’t wait for a breach to get motivated and take security measures.

The first step is to ensure a secure file transfer using SFTP or FTPS protocols to share multilingual content between platforms. Most companies prefer using a TM (Translation Memory) to store translated content segments. Make sure that it is encrypted and has robust access controls.

Here comes the most important part, training the translators. Do you know, that all security measures and firewalls break down if the hacker gets access to the insight? Companies need to hire professional and certified translators with a proven and clear track record.

Also train them on data security best practices, which include identifying and handling sensitive information, and adhering to company policies on data protection.

What Else You Should Consider!

Other than the data security measures, managing multilingual content, and translation workflow security, there are other things that you need to keep in mind to avoid data breaches. The following are:

Risks Associated with Free Tools

Avoid using free or publicly available translation tools. Even though they translate your content, they may have terms and conditions that allow them to store your data and information that can be misused and accessed without your consent. So, be careful while getting free translations, and be cautious about the type of content you submit.

Human Translation Monitoring

Choose a company with a TMS integrated into its system that will help you keep an eye on every step the translators take and the procedures they follow.

Incident Response Plan

Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to address data breaches effectively. This should include data backup and recovery, notification protocols, and measures to prevent future breakthroughs.

By integrating these strategies into your translation process, you can create a more secure environment for working with multilingual content. So, now you can take a sigh of relief as you know how to minimize the risks of data breaches and enhance the protection of your sensitive information. Good luck!