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Basic Cyber Security Tips You Might Be Forgetting

Wanna become a data scientist within 3 months, and get a job? Then you need to check this out !

Billions of people are using the internet on a daily basis – for communication, entertainment, work, study, and so much more. We don’t have control in what people do online, that’s why a significant percentage of the online population are cyber criminals. It’s just like how it is in real life. There are good people and bad people, and essentially, we can’t control their actions. What we can do though is take responsibility for our own online security.

If you have high-speed internet at home or a super fast mobile data and have been using it for the longest time, you’re probably overlooking some essential security practices that might seem unimportant over the years you’ve been connected to the web. We’re here to share some cyber security tips that you may be forgetting. But before that, let’s understand what cyber security is and why is it important, especially at this time.

What Is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the practice of protecting your online activities from malicious attacks. The main goal of cyber security practices is to prevent cyber criminals from unauthorized access, use or even destruction of your informational. In simpler terms, it’s all about keeping your information and devices safe while connected to the internet. Since cyber criminals are becoming more and more creative with their ways, we also have to be more vigilant in protecting our personal information and other sensitive data.

Why Is Cyber Security Important?

Everything from your bank accounts to your social media profiles and work documents exists online. This digital cloud holds a lot of valuable information about you, and unfortunately, some people might want to steal it or mess with it. These are cybercriminals, and their actions can lead to serious problems. They could steal your money, damage your credit score, or even lock you out of your own accounts.

Cybersecurity is all about protecting yourself from these dangers. It’s a set of practices you can follow to make it much harder for criminals to succeed. It’s not complicated – things like setting strong passwords, being careful what information you share online, and keeping your software updated all contribute to good cybersecurity.

Just like locking your doors and windows at home, these practices create a barrier that keeps your online information secure. It might not be the most exciting topic, but strong cybersecurity is essential for maintaining peace of mind and keeping your digital life safe.

Basic Cyber Security Tips to Keep in Mind

Having a fast wireless service is probably one of the best feelings in the world right now, especially if you’re a heavy internet user who streams movies, downloads large files, plays online games, and more. But even with an extremely fast connection, security shouldn’t be an afterthought. Here are some key cyber security tips to remember no matter how fast your internet is:

  1. Be careful connecting to public WiFi.

While free Wi-Fi might seem convenient, especially at coffee shops or airports, it can be risky. Criminals can create fake Wi-Fi networks that look legitimate but are designed to steal your personal information when you connect.  It’s best to use secure connections whenever possible, like those offered at home or work with a password you know. If you absolutely must use public Wi-Fi, avoid accessing sensitive information like bank accounts or credit cards while connected.

  1. Keep your devices safe, no matter where you are.

Just like you wouldn’t leave your wallet or phone lying around in public, you shouldn’t leave your devices unlocked and unattended.  Set a strong password or PIN on your phone, computer, and tablet to make it more difficult for someone to access your information if they find it.  Features like “find my device” can also be helpful, as it allows you to track down a lost or stolen gadget.

  1. Back up your files.

Regularly backing up your data to an external hard drive or cloud storage service can prevent you from losing all your important files, such as photos from some of the most important times in your life or business files. An external hard drive is a physical device you can plug into your computer to store your files. Cloud storage allows you to save your information on a secure server you can access from anywhere with an internet connection.  Backing up your data takes just a few minutes but can save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

  1. Download with caution.

Downloading files from the internet can be a great way to get music, movies, or software. However, it’s important to be cautious about where you get your downloads from.  Downloading files from unknown or untrusted websites can be risky, as some files may contain malicious programs (malware) that can damage your device or steal your information.  Stick to downloading from reputable sources and be wary of clicking on suspicious links or downloading files with unfamiliar names.

  1. Control your privacy.

Many websites and apps collect information about your online activity. While this information can be used to personalize your experience, it can also be a privacy concern.  Most devices, browsers, and social media platforms allow you to adjust your privacy settings.  By reviewing these settings, you can choose what information you share and who can see it. This helps you control your online footprint and protects your privacy.

  1. Don’t share everything online.

Not everything needs to be shared on the internet. Think twice before posting personal information like your home address, birthday, or phone number on social media or public websites. Another thing is the timing you post when you go out of town or your vacation plans. This kind of information can be used by thiefs, criminals for identity theft, or other scams. Be mindful of what you share online, and only share information with people you trust.

The Bottom Line

These tips aren’t a one-time thing. Make these a regular part of your online routine, stay updated about new threats, and update your security practices as needed. By being proactive about your online safety, you can significantly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of cybercrime and of course, skip the stress and hassle that comes with it. Let’s all make the internet a better and safer place.

Wanna become a data scientist within 3 months, and get a job? Then you need to check this out !