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What is the cookie cutter process for data science?

Wanna become a data scientist within 3 months, and get a job? Then you need to check this out !

When you stat learning about data science, it is important to be organised. Many data scientists tend to be messy by nature. Tools like Jupyter notebooks don’t really help much. While they can be very versatile and useful for experimentation, they can unfortunately make you learn the wrong habits.

Some other very bad habits that I’ve seen many data scientists developing are preprocessing data on Excel, instead of doing things programmatically. This makes it difficult to document the data pre-processing steps, and nearly impossible to replicate experiments.

This is why the Cookie Cutter Data Science structure was created. This is a structure I recently stumbled upon, and I think it teaches all the right things. I have made a video about it below.

If you want to know more about data science, and how I can help you out or mentor you, make sure to check out my courses and events.

Wanna become a data scientist within 3 months, and get a job? Then you need to check this out !