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The Data Scientist

What is the best way to become a data scientist?

Wanna become a data scientist within 3 months, and get a job? Then you need to check this out !

Becoming a data scientist

I’ve met many people who want to become data scientists, but are not sure how long they need to study for to achieve that. These days, with the plethora of content out on the web, and great data science schools like Beyond Machine, it has become easier than ever.

That being said, your background can play a huge role in how much you might have to study to become a data scientist. I you come from a technical background, and you are already familiar with things like coding and programming, then you can expect that you will progress faster from someone who has no prior experience in these fields. However, not having technical experience is not a drawback, as having a diverse background can also be proven very beneficial. There are different types of data scientists, as I’ve written about in the past, and you just have to figure out what kind of data scientists you need to be.

I decided to create a simple tool to help you understand what kind of effort you should be putting in, if you want to become a data scientist. This tool has been created as an assistant to Beyond Machine. Beyond Machine is a data science school I’ve created which combines the best elements from different modes of learning, and it has been based on my 10+ years of experience in the field. Make sure to get in touch if you want to become a data scientist!

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Wanna become a data scientist within 3 months, and get a job? Then you need to check this out !